How to create a Basic Repeat exercise?

How to create a Basic Repeat exercise?

By following these steps you will be able to create your own Basic repeat exercise
  1. Here we created an interval exercise 1 minute. 

1. Tap exercises below on your screen

  1. This way the exercise menu will open

2. Tap exercises on top of your screen and select Basic repeat

  1. All the available exercises will appear
  2. Select Basic repeat 

3. Tap set filters 

  1. All the available Basic repeat exercises will appear

4. Select your Basic repeat exercise  you would like to change

  1. The exercise will open

5. Tap variables to open the variable menu

  1. All the variables will appear

6. Select your repetitions

  1. Set fixed to set a fixed amount of signals on which the player must react on
  2. Set time to select a time the exercise need to be performed
  3. Set infinite to set no amount of signals or time

7. Select direction controls

  1. When selecting the signals you directly see the position or color selected in the image of the Ledsreact Pro
  2. Use colors: the player need to react on the color given by the Ledsreact Pro
  3. Use the position of the signals to indicate a direction the player must run. Here left and right are chosen

8. Choose signal delay

  1. Choose fixed delay on which the signal must be given
  2. Choose random of you would randomize the delay of the signal

9. Tap create new exercise and give your exercise a name 

  1. This name will be visible in the exercise menu

10. Tap continue to save your exercise

  1. Your exercise will appear in the exercise menu

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