How to create your custom T-Test?

How to create your custom T-Test?

By following these steps you will be able to create your own T-test. 

1. Open the T-test 

  1. Go to the exercises menu
  2. Tap T-test
  3. Scroll down and tap create a custom exercise
  4. The T-test menu will open

2. Open the variables menu

  1. Tap on variables to open the variable menu

3. Select the variables you would like to change to create your custom test

Move the sliders to the preferred distance you would like to use in your T-Test
  1. Distance checkpoint 1 to checkpoint 2 is related to the distance from the start to the Ledsreact Pro
  2. Distance checkpoint 2 to Checkpoint 3 or 4 is related to the distance from the Ledsreact Pro to the turning point
  3. Attempts are related to the amount of attempts each selected player need to run
  4. When you choose random the Ledsreact Pro will choose left or right by itself when approaching the Ledsreact Pro
  5. Choose left or right in case you would like to choose the direction the player need to run when approaching the Ledsreact Pro

4. Give your test a name

  1. Tap next and tap below name
  2. Give your custom test a name
  3. Tap continu
  4. The player menu will open. In case you would like to to run the test select your players and start the test.
  5. In case not, you can find back your custom test in the T-tests menu 

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