How to enable the Test Initiated by the Player variable?

How to enable the Test Initiated by the Player variable?

By following the next steps you will be able to start test initiated by the player. 

IMPORTANT: the test initiated by the player is only available for Elite accounts

1 Select your test


2 Tap play now and open the player menu

  1. Tap Play now to open the player menu
  2. The player menu will open

3 Select test initiated by the player

  1. Select the toggle Test initiated by the player
  2. The toggle will turn orange
  3. The manual mode will also turn on

4 Select your players 

  1. Select the names of the player who are needed to run their test

5 Start the test

  1. Tap start exercise 
  2. Tap Play to start the test

6 How to run the test

  1. One green beep will be given to indicate the player can start
  2. After the green beep the player does have 20 seconds to run his test
  3. The player is finishing his test
  4. Tap Go to let the next player start running his test

7 Signals given by the Ledsreact Pro

  1. One beep and green signal will be given

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